I combine my Channeling and Mediumship in a unique way, to help BEings like you, to evolve. I can channel spirits of loved ones passed over but primarily, I channel Spirits of you (your soul being) from other lives. It is both my guidance and my belief that we are "Soulfull Beings, Living inside a Human Vessel, Having a Spiritual Experience". The personality that you are in this life, is just one Spirit Life of many, your Soul has experienced ... past, present and future. Time is Non-Linear and as such, it is all happening now, in this moment. When someone “dies” from this life, you can speak to their Spirit as the personality of this life, but the Soul may have been reborn. The Spirit sometimes tells you this information. Essentially, the Spirit is still a part of your being ... your Soul Essence. I help you connect with the Spirits of Your Soul (and others), to gain information that is pertinent to your evolution, in this life.  


I am on Soul Mission and I have so many more abilities (not gifts) to help me serve Humanity in a more profound way. They include ... Being a 10th Generation Psychic; Alchemist; Intuitive Healer (Including Psychic Surgery); Intuitive Tarot and Oracle Card Reader; Lucid and Precognitive Dreamer; Dreamwalker; Psychometry; Aura and Energy Reader; Seeing all 12 Earth Dimensions while Awake; Seeing, hearing and even touching other BEings not of this realm; Clairaudience (Hearing Messages); Claircognizance (Knowing); Clairgustance (I see Spirits, Angels, Dark Entities and Your True Soul Being); Clairsentience (Intuitive Empath); Clairvoyance (Seer/Prophet and Retrocognition); Telepathy (I can both Hear Thoughts and Project Them); Energy and Crystal Medicine; Lifetime Regression and so much more which is yet to be named.


Learn more @ "Who Is Amelia White?" ... https://www.facebook.com/pg/AmeliaWhiteSoulfull/about


Also @ "My (Personal) Life Story" ... https://www.facebook.com/notes/amelia-white/my-life-story/2243208995952420/


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